Friday, March 7, 2008

My first Ceramah

Yet another first for me, my very first ceramah. Was at the DAP ceramah at SS2 tonight and there was a large crowd there, will not attempt to guess at the numbers, except to say that it caused some serious traffic congestion through out the SS2 area.

The rain did not stop the speakers nor the supporters, who were out in force, umbrella and all. Some even came with their own chairs. It was a cool night with hot speeches. Tony Pua, Haris Ibrahim and Govind spoke and got the crowd going..

Heard a new phrase today and I think it sounded like "Makul Sakti" (hope I got this right), I was told that this meant "People Power" in Tamil, a slogan or rally cry started by the Hindraf. This was often heard during the ceramah, but I only got the meaning of it after. When I first heard it, I was wondering why "makan satay" was being promoted at a political rally! Felt a little cheated by this as I didn't follow the crowd and shouting this as I did not know the meaning then, guess there is always the next time.

Overall a very interesting experience, at short notice, a large crowd could gather just via information via the web and SMSes, access to information is truly power in these days. I can't help feeling that although many people came out in a show of support, but does that really gets converted into votes? I hope so.

I know I'll be voting for change... I'm really looking forward to getting in line, the registration, casting my first vote and the whole experience, I feel included and involved, feels great.. can't wait..

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