Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sign of the Times

Found this sign in Sentul this morning. When I saw it, I just knew that I've found the picture that I was looking for, not a particularly aesthetically pleasing picture, but one that I feel carries a message.
The sign was obviously old and seems to testify to the stories our parents and grand parents tell of how harmonious Malaysians of various races and religions lived together in "those days".
I believe that this sign truly represent a time when there were genuine mutual respect, equality and love among all Malaysians of different races, religion and creed. I just love the way it represents every major language, demonstrating the desire to communicate and connect with every language group.
What a contrast this is with "signs" of our generation, we have obviously lost something along the way and probably need to learn from our past and carry our personal signs as our fathers did.

1 comment:

hipodamus 喜宝大姆 said...

life is beautiful, as always!