Sunday, February 17, 2008

I am a voter!!

Sorry, no photos this time... I've not finished the latest batch of pictures in my camera yet, it's probably be a while before I post any up.. might be a relieve to some I guess..

Ya, this time, it's not going to be about photos at all. After registering as a voter for the first time (lots of first this year) last December, I was not sure that I would be in time to vote for the coming elections, but I was pleasantly surprised, in fact delighted to discover that my name was on the list from the Electorial body's web site

I guess I've had enough of complaining about the state of Malaysia and getting asked "Are you registered to vote?" of course, the answer then would be an embarrasing "NO", then the more embarassing statement will follow "then shut up"... I guess I deserved it..

Well, not any more, I'm now a proud registered voter and all ready to express my opinion through the polls. What I also realised, talking to friends and relatives is that there are many that are like me, first time registered voters, fresh from convictions of what's been happening in our dear country and ready to vote and hope for change.. I do feel change is coming and eagerly await it..

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